Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller
[on the stationary of The Equinox] 124, Victoria Street, S.W. TEL: 3210 Victoria
28 - 10 - 10
My dear
Thanks for note. I find a lot of difference of opinion about the Rites [The Rites of Eleusis]. People whom I respect equally have quite opposite opinions: I am therefore in the equilibrated position of being able to ignore both without slighting either.
On the military point; the robes only correspond to the grades; they do not indicate them. Would you deny a phallus to anyone not a Zelator?
Of course you don't seriously suggest that I should desert my army.
So much for militarism; nor for my Quaker [illegible]. To please them—I shall be only too glad if God will let me go to Kinchenjunga next year. If you think I like working day and night at things that don't interest me you flatter my altruism. But I do it: some people get helped spiritually; others yet helped materially.
You ought to remember that the Rites as now performed are only a beginning. When we can get all the world's great artists to cooperate we can have Rites a thousand times superior to Rome's. And it is only by so doing that we can defeat Rome on the one hand and [illegible] Court on the other.
I'm not that I understand your position altogether; we must have another talk over it. Ring me up and we'll try to arrange it.
P.S. I am not aware that I ever quoted your name as a guarantee of respectability. Nobody has ever doubted it.
Capt J.F.C. Fuller 89 Overstrand Mansions Battersea Park S.W.