Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller





[on the stationary of The Equinox]

124, Victoria Street, S.W.

TEL: 3210 Victoria



4 - 11 - 10



My dear Fuller,


These are the people who agree that legal action is undesirable

Mr. and Mrs. Radclyffe [Raymond Radclyffe]

The Hon. Everard Feilding

Comm. G.M. Marston [Guy Marston]

Miss Waddell [Leila Waddell] (who had a distinct right in the matter, as one of the offended parties)


These are neutral

G.C. Jones [George Cecil Jones]

A. Crowley


These are anxious to fight:

Victor B. Neuburg Esq

Geo. Raffalovich [George Raffalovich]


Captain J.F.C. Fuller


Also one woman of loose character, a known friend of Fenton's.


Now I notice that all those against legal action are men of affairs and worldly experience.


Those for it have all the blessing of youth, and with the exception of yourself, have no sort of practical sense.


I may not be Solomon, but I won't be Rehoboam.


I have no doubt, from several reasons, that a trap was most ingeniously laid, with false evidence carefully prepared. If you think it's good soldiership to walk into an ambush, it explains the Boer War!


I do beg of you to reconsider the facts and if necessary let me go into them more fully with some of those who have considered the thing more deeply before you leave me unsupported with the Equinox. We have been good friends, and you will be sorry if you break. There isn't another A.C. or another J.F.C.F.


Yours ever


Aleister Crowley



Capt J.F.C. Fuller

89 Overstrand Mansions

Battersea Park



