Correspondence from John Yarker to Aleister Crowley
[19 November 1910]
I should like to know what 33° body you had the 33° from. If you can afford the time you might send me copy of the certificate. The Charleston frauds and lies are so rampant that the body may not be so 'irregular' as you have been told. [ . . . ] In our Scottish, Mizraim & Memphis bodies we recognize all that have the same Rites, and if your certificate is at all passable, I could recognize you as 33° 90° & 95°. The expense is small—3 certs 3 1/6. [ . . . ] No body is so irregular as the S[upreme] G[rand] C[ouncil] of England, and I expect it is these who told you your 33° was irregular. [ . . . ] At my age—78 years—I can't be bothered any longer with these degrees, and intend to call no more meetings.