Correspondence from George Cecil Jones to The Looking Glass




Bullock and Co., Solicitors,

65, London Wall,

London, E.C.

Telegraphic address: “Billitor, London.”

Telephone: No. 5542 Central.



24th November, 1910





Dear Sirs,—


The attention of our client, Mr. George Cecil Jones, has been drawn to a most unwarrantable libel which was published in an issue of your paper, The Looking Glass, under date, November 26th, 1910, on page 268, under the heading “An Amazing Sect—No. 3.”


Unless you are willing to at once insert a full and ample apology to our client in terms to be settled by us upon his behalf, and further, to pay him a substantial sum by way of compensation, we are instructed to take proceedings against you.


Please let us hear from you by 12 noon to-morrow, Friday, the 25th inst., failing which a writ will be issued without further notice.


Yours faithfully,


Bullock and Co.



[The Looking Glass - 3 December 1910]