Correspondence from George Cecil Jones to J.F.C. Fuller
Telephone 65-97 Central.
Laboratories, 43, GT Tower Street, London, E.C.
G. Cecil Jones, F.I.C. Associate of the City and Guilds of London Institute. Consulting and Analytical Chemist, Chemical Engineer.
1 Dec. 1910
Capt. J.F.C. Fuller, 89, Overstrand Mansions, S.W.
Dear Fuller,
Thanks very much for your letter and offer to give evidence on my behalf if such is needed. Seems to me we have very little to prove, but if they succeed in introducing other issues than the main one—their libel on me—I may be glad to call on you.
Todays publication, so far as I am concerned, is a worse libel than the last. Of course they never got any assurance that I was no longer associated with Crowley. I am neither in the habit of telling lies nor of disowning my friends at the dictation or to gain the "commendation" of the gutter press. That word commend is the vilest insult. Remains the question whether this latest move is not contempt of Court. The writs were served and service accepted on Monday, the day they say they go to press. And the Court cares nothing when they go to press. They published that comment today.
Kind regards to Mrs. Fuller. My wife hopes you will not forget to look us up when in our neighbourhood.
Crowley goes to Algeria tomorrow. Some of his new friends will say he ran away, and you cannot blame them.
Yours sincerely, /SIGNED/ G. Cecil Jones.
[handwritten] Enclosed is a copy of a letter they did not publish.