Correspondence from George Raffalovich to J.F.C. Fuller





22 Church road




21 - 1 - 1911



Dear Fuller


I have read the 'Green Curve' and it is one of the books I have most enjoyed. I think I understand your meaning now, especially with the help of your pencil notes on my M.S.


I hear via Liverpool, as I had also heard viva voce, that all will be well with A.C. You are coming round to the Equinox and the A.A. and all will be for the best in the best of worlds, till the next insane outbreak and the next 'revelations'. There is only one cloud in the sky, that is that I am a very slow person to move and that it took me exactly 3 months of gradual process to come round to my wife's and other people's point of view regarding my few thousands coming and now it would take 3 x 9 months to make me change again.


But personally, and for A.C.'s sake, I am glad you have turned back to him again and accepted to help him. You will have my moral support.


His article on the Kabbalah has come, but I am afraid it is quite out of my sphere, though of course, it may be quite in Frater P.'s. I am sorry I like clearness of expression so, it prevents me from enjoying anything cloudy.


Hoping to see you soon, and with kind regards and respects to Mrs. F.




George Raffalovich



Captain J.F.C. Fuller

89 Overstrand Mansions

Battersea Park



