Correspondence from Herbert E. Inman to J.F.C. Fuller
38 Rockville Street Rock Ferry Cheshire
29 . 1 . 11
Dear Capt. Fuller
I hear from Raffalovich [George Raffalovich] that he has told you about a letter I wrote him regarding the present state of affairs pertaining to the Equinox, more particularly your and his change of front as to the possibility of turning the journal into a paying concern, this I understand hangs on the fact that you, Raffalovich and others refuse any longer to support Crowley and while this in a way is none of my business, still owing to the interest I feel in and the help I have received from The Equinox and also from A.C. personally and recognising the many sterling qualities in his character, which you in the past has so fully testified to, I must confess to feeling surprised at the present attitude taken up and can only surmise that there are underlying reasons and that the difference of opinion regarding the Rites of Eleusis and the refusal of A.C. to take action against certain papers for criminal libel have come as a climax, bringing matters to a head.
I must thank you for offering to help me to come to a decision in this matter for I must say I do not like the idea of deserting a man when he is down unless he has done things which a man cannot support and from what I can see from his horoscope Crowley is in for a rough time for the next 3 or 4 years and will need all the moral support he can get from his friends.
But, as I said, it is a matter in which I am not competent to form an opinion, not knowing all the facts, and it is really very decent of you to offer to enlighten me as to your point of view.
Yours sincerely
H.E. Inman.
Capt. J.F.C. Fuller 89 Overstrand Mansions Battersea Park London S.W.