Correspondence from Herbert E. Inman to J.F.C. Fuller
38 Rockville Street Rock Ferry Cheshire
5 . 2 . 11
Dear Capt. Fuller
Thank you for so kindly answering my letter and for the clear way in which you put before me the facts concerning the Equinox. I should not have troubled you in the matter, save for a p.c. [postcard] I received saying you would answer my queries if I cared to write to you, and am sorry as no doubt Raffalovich [George Raffalovich] misunderstood you.
It certainly seems as though the Equinox were doomed, at any rate, for the present; I hope that in the near future there may be a resurrection.
With regard to Mr. Crowley as a poet, mystic and philosopher, all I think must acknowledge him to be a genius, whilst at the same time regretting what has occurred during the past few months.
I can quite see that the A∴A∴ is not affected by all this, but the world as a whole will be the loser, if the official organ [The Equinox] is withdrawn.
Yours sincerely
H.E. Inman.