Correspondence from A. Elliott to Aleister Crowley
25 Old Bond Street London, W.
11th Feb. 1911.
Dear Sir,—
I have heard from our Lawyers (to whom you compelled us to go to obtain payment from you) that you have paid £6 into court in settlement of our account of £9, 10s., of which £8, 10s., is for repairs to a suit case brought to us in a very bad state, the remaining £1 being simply money paid out of pocket to our workman for watch and coffee-pot repairs, etc.
In instructing our Lawyers to accept such payment, we think it best to state that had you at any time told us you objected to any of the charges we should at once have tried to have met your wishes and pleased you, but you never have complained, simply ignoring all our applications for payment as on previous occasions with your accounts. The writer, you may possibly remember, had an interview with you here in July 1906, when he remonstrated with you strongly on your very shabby treatment; you there and then, to make up for it perhaps, gave us an order, selecting the very fine suit case over which you were, by the special instructions of the writer, put on most liberal terms for cash.
Perhaps having treated us so shabbily again you will give us another order, for if letting people in for needless Lawyers' expenses is your idea of right from wrong it is very different from
Yours faithfully,
A. Elliott of J. W. Benson Ltd.
P.S.—If calling, kindly ask for the writer, who will be pleased to see you again.
E. A. Crowley, Esq. 124 Victoria Street, S.W.