Correspondence from Lord Dunsany to Aleister Crowley
Dunsany Castle Co. Meath Station, Drumree Meath RY
March 13th 1911
Dear Mr. Crowley
Many thanks for sending me your poems: you have unerringly put your finger on some of those tricks and habits of Thuba Mleen which his enemies regard as faults. Will it appear in the Equinox? I'm glad you liked this tale. I shall soon be in London where I hope we shall meet. I expect to have a sport play on at the Haymarket some time this summer or spring and another will probably come over [illegible] Players [illegible] Court-Theatre.
No I never tried Hashish, my strongest drug is tea and I never take even that between meals, wine is no good and I doubt if tobacco is, not that I abstain from them. The world has been too completely corrupted by China to gauge impartially the power of tea. I don't think hashish or opium would be worth while, so potent a literary devil as either of them couldn't be trusted in the house, so I shall leave it to the men of Asia to be pursued by fiends down interminable streets. If I manage to do another tale about Thuba Mleen I'll let you know.
Yours sincerely