Correspondence from Leila Waddell to J.F.C. Fuller
3, Grange St. Haymarket W.C.
20 March [1911]
Dear Captain Fuller
Before accepting you suggestion "to return and fiddle to the flamingos on the Thrumenbridge" I am giving an entertainment in the Law Court.
Would you mind giving evidence to the effect that you knew me to be the violinist engaged and that you had such confidence in the propriety of the "Rites" [The Rites of Eleusis] that you invited your mother to attend some of them.
Will you kindly make an appointment with my solicitor, Mr. Harry Myers, 25 Wormwood Sq. Tel. 598 London Wall at your earliest convenience.
Yours very kindly
Leila Waddell
Captain Fuller 89 Overstrand Mansions Battersea Park S.W.