Correspondence from Augustus John to Aleister Crowley
Alderney Manor, Ringwood Road Parkstone, Dorset.
May 9, 1912
Dear Crowley,
I have been put off at correspondence by various happening. I have seen my drawing reproduced in the Equinox [Vol. I, No. 7] ( a superb volume) and very well done it is. However I have not been paid for it—yet. I notice an announcement in the Equinox that you have 30 prints of this lithograph on sale at your office at a guinea a piece.
Would you mind explaining your idea in this? Are you going to make £30 out of the drawing instead of me? If so you will indeed be a great magician!
Joking apart, I would like to know what you propose to do—and I would see you with pleasure in London in a few days, if—you too are to be found there. It seems Mde. Strindberg is not disposed to throw her money away—for nothing—
Augustus John