R.W. Felkin to J.W. Brodie-Innes





11 June 1912.



I have come to the conclusion that we had better drop all discussion of German matters until such time as I can reply to the many points you raise. They want nothing from me, or from you. They offer me, and if you wish it, you through me, certain things which I want. I am not satisfied with the present situation, you seem to be [in], in other words you are content to rest your Grades on the Cypher MSS., and a Ritual which certainly came through D[eo] D[uce] C[omite] F[erro] [MacGregor Mathers] and him alone.


I on the other hand have felt from the time I first knew anything about the origin of the [Golden Dawn in the] Outer and the Inner [Order of the R.R. et A.C.] that it was very doubtful if it had any real connection with the real Rosicrucian Order at all. I have spent years and much money and work in trying to clear the matter up. I find that the Sprengel letters were real but that those who received them did not, as they should have done, follow them up. Had they done so the whole position would have been clear. I at last have come on the track of what I think is the real thing and I am on the way to get what I want but I am hampered in getting full information by being unable to go over and spend the necessary time myself.


