Correspondence from John Yarker to Aleister Crowley






[7 August 1912]



[Regarding Yarker's grant of a gratis dispensation "to revive the dormant Mount Sinai and Rose of Sharon" two long-inactive London Chapters of the Antient & Primitive Rite and Crowley's plan to initiate women.]



. . . unconstitutional and even unmasonic . . . If the body can only be formed in the way you profess I must withdraw the Dispensation for you would, by the method you propose, only bring the Rite into contempt. I would therefore rather it should expire altogether in honor.


[ . . . ]


I quite approve of your appointing 7 members 30—90° and 12 of the 11—18°, or more if you see fit. You must levy upon them such fees as will enable you to pay working expenses, & the fees for certificates.



[7], [331]