Correspondence from John Yarker to Aleister Crowley






[12 August 1912]



I do not care to be Grand Hierophant of a Falstaffian "Ragged Regiment." [ . . . ] If the body can only be formed in the way you propose, I must withdraw the Dispensation, for you would by the method you propose only bring the Rite into contempt. I would therefore rather it should expire altogether in honor. I can go no further than this, that you receive as many Rose Croix as you like at a fee of 2 guineas of which 10/6 is payable for [the] Certificate, then we can talk about the higher degrees for those who deserve advancement, and the fees to be charged. If they are so mean as to begrudge 2 guineas for a degree in which 5 g[uinea]s is the price, do without them. No certificate leaves my hands 'til the recipient has been registered in the Golden Book with a proper description, upon payment of the fee.


