Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to John Yarker




John Yarker Esq.,

Office of the Grand Master General

of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Masonry,

West Didsbury,



23rd August 1912.



Dear Grand Master,


Many thanks for your letter of this morning with the book of Constitutions which I will carefully study. I think I now understand what you wish done. Under the dispensation, I see that I have authority to give the 30°, 90°, to any persons that I may deem worthy.


The only point at issue is—have I power to issue and sign diplomas, and if so, under what condition? If I may sign the diplomas do I have to obtain the forms from you or get some of my own printed, and in the latter case, what fees are payable to the Sovereign Sanctuary?


You wrote me some time ago, that you intended to call no more meetings and I do not quite understand whether there is at the present moment a Sovereign Sanctuary with all the offices filled. If not, may I respectfully suggest that it would be well to constitute one, and that the vacant offices should be filled by persons who intend to devote themselves to really earnest and active work, and that at least a quorum should be residents of London, so that necessary work might be carried on with out the delay involved in correspondence with scattered members.


Please understand that I am only too anxious to do everything necessary to comply with the constitutions and to carry out your wishes. I will ask you on your part to remember than an enormous amount of labour is involved in re-establishing the Rite.


Of the people whose names you gave me, only two answered, and one of those I have not yet seen. The other seems to be rather interested from curiosity than to have the cause at heart. I, on the other hand, am in touch with a number of people who are willing to give everything they have to advance the project, once their position id regularized. I can take active steps in the direction you desire. Please let me know what I am to do about it.


Yours fraternally,


