Correspondence from John Yarker to Aleister Crowley






[29 August 1912]



To get a Craft Warrant from either Germany or France will not do at all. Grand Lodge would at once anathematize you and damn the whole thing including your A[ncient] & P[rimitive Rite] members, which we are bound to follow by charge. The only thing I can see for you is to get Reuss [Theodor Reuss] to Initiate the whole series en bloc, declaring your meeting place for the day German soil and in his jurisdiction, & grant them German certificates as if received in Germany. I think he would do it. No doubt he may require some fee for the lot, he would be entitled to it, and all that I can say is that if any refuse to pay it they are unworthy of any degree; and if they are so very poor that they cannot afford to pay anything, they are (by all Constitutions) utterly unfit for acception.


