Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley
14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.
[Undated: circa 1913?]
Care Frater.
It would not be a good idea to cross in Paris to wish you and The Master of the Hounds! a good New Year. If you could get a room for me near bye I should have no bother with hotels and a chance to see French life from the inside. And it would be interesting to see the places mentioned in History. I'm familiar enough with Paris to be indifferent to the places mentioned in history (1.c.). The only bother is that it will defer the day of my deliverance from the Bank, by reason of the extra expenses, but it's worth it. If you are sure to be there at the beginning of the year will you let me know as early as possible so that I can look out trains and so on.
Your letter is more cheerful in tone I fancied and it will be very pleasant if the worries vanish by the end of the year. Will you kindly do something tender (with boiling oil in it) to the person responsible for defrauding me of Equinox X? An outsider had his copy days ago and made me feel small.
Must I trot down the Bridges and then a Mortgage Wegg? My mush enduring Frater, you don't know.
Shylock Wegg!