Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley




14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.



[Undated: circa 1913?]



Care Frater.


Encore la grippe! About the Baudelaire [Charles Baudelaire] idea, I'm very doubtful if the firm would consider that. Too small a sale would be probable, and it would be better published at ordinary not at our popular prices. Flaubert's novel again—All right if that nuisance 'the young person' need not be considered. Nelson's you see, tho' less severe nowadays, have always been noted for the rigidly correct in literature, and that vetoes many things.


I had no opportunity to say much, but if the firm seriously considered trying you and putting your name to translations, we must keep on the right side by letting them know just the kind of work you have hitherto done, as it might cause trouble after—if they did not know. You will understand that I am thinking of The Sword of Song e.g. certain poems in The Winged Beetle and so on, and you will know exactly what the average Philistine thinks of these and will not blame me for suggesting this as a difficulty. I know too well what will happen to be thought of the above, if I show them.


Quite apart from this I do think that you would have ever so much more chance with Dents or one of the London houses. If you put the idea an offer into definite shape I will pass it on to the firm and we will see first if they are inclined to come to terms at all.


About the 'transaction', you advise me to consider it 'business', but my pessimistic mind asks "?". I enclose £20, it's all right leaving 425 to get. You must be having a worse time than I imagined. Are "They" playing fair. I hope for all our own sakes the Juppiter element will come in soon.


Encore—"cheer up".


Yours fraternally.


F[iat] P[ax]


Don't quite understand how it was my letters had 'no ending' unless I omitted to sign them? I am quite well again. This is a holiday. Lovely weather, but I'm having a dull day and not making the good use of it I used to. Bothered.


