Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley
14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.
[Undated: circa 1913?]
Care Frater.
I like Serenero, it has its associations and sounds like an affectionate echo of Perdurabo. I'd have jumped at Fiat Pax but there is a lot of ego in my yet, and I decline to be known to you and the inhabitants of the twenty four million worlds as Fire Plug. [Note. A drawing follows.] Behold this devastating vision. Aha! Aha! Shut out the sight.
I'd feel like the late W Chambers who stuck his monogram all over his new mansion and was made unhappy by some one innocently inquiring the reason for such an abundance of water-closets.
Thanks for what you say, because, really, it drives a dog-faced demon from my path who has been the cause of many 'breaks'. However I have usually realised that the Equinox is being written for future generations who will be able to work under much better conditions than we, and that the instructions are not always meant as counsel of perfection for a handful of idiots today.
'Fiat Lux' would be splendid as a combination of the four and three probably pre-empted though, and perhaps bumptious. Fiat Serenitatem? How's that do? If you think the simple Serenero best, don't bother to answer, and I'll understand.
Yours fraternally.
There are people wh'd say that's a fire-plug would be an extremely convenient thing to take with me into the next world, you know.