Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley




14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.



[Undated: circa 1913?]



Care Frater.


Yes! my initiation is due Nov 1. I have made no beginning to prepare you remember you told me there would be a difficulty in my case and that you thought I might possibly manage to initiate myself.


I am inclined to think that that is only a question of time, but one can't wait indefinitely, tho' I was content to go on some time longer. I thought very likely you might confer it when I come to London? I remember that when I read the oath of obligation it gave me the impression that initiation would take place astrally, somehow, and in my own house. I badly need information as to how, where and when the ceremony will take place and how best to prepare.


Within the last three or four days something has occurred I had not foreseen. I have (for the sake of the work) been living stark alone almost for the last two months. I have no nerves, and with the help of a relative to see to my linen and give the house an occasional cleaning, I manage without difficulty. It must look very odd however—and occasionally I feel altogether too desolate. Lately I have happened occasionally to have the company at lunch time of a very charming and cultivated lady. Nothing was further from my thoughts than love-making, especially at this moment. But almost by accident I had my eyes opened to what manner of woman she was. A prize for any man.


I'd as soon lie down in front of a railway train as marry a woman merely because I need a housekeeper, nor would I jeopardize the Work by mere ordinary philandering.


[remainder of letter is missing]


