Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley




14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.



[Undated: circa 1913?]



Care Frater.


I have been considering. How would it be if I came up to London at the end of December or early in January (after Xmas). The shortness of daylight at the Museum (unless they have electric light now?) would be a drawback, but it happens that I am usually secure of a weeks holiday then, and by giving up my fortnight now, I can with a good grace have it extended to three weeks or so. I am wise enough to know that your estimate of the time required is likely to be below the mark.


Will you send me at your convenience pulls of your plate of squares. By copying a bit of the specimen plate in 'Actions' I can make out some rough estimate of the total time required, allowing for careful work, and careful independent checking—(a sine qua non in this case, you'd have to find some one to do this, also.)


If I come, I shall as you suggest be able to bring down several birds with one shot, but I'm not coming unless there is a reasonable chance of seeing you, also—So if you're going to be off to the Baltero glacier, or Chokmah you'll warn me, won't you? February might do, in that case.


By putting if off till Dec. I shall be able to become a bit more familiar with the Enochian alphabet, which may possibly be useful in some of the Logaeth squares. How did you find out all the Angelic language? The calls give but a part (and a small part) of it.


The completion of the first [?] Call is lacking in the Actions—It begins backwards) and I suppose you found it in the unpublished portion of this book. I knew you'd have a copy of the book. I meant it would be at the general service, if any brother had difficulty in getting a copy, and wanted to borrow one. Does the library mentioned in one of the early Equinoxes exist still?


Here is my table set for Bala and Baphomet. I perform the preparatory rite of writing a cheque (enclosed) (post-dated note).


I trust Me Kennedy will send me all the written information and Rituals possible, so that I can when the opportunity comes, fill in the necessary gaps quickly and intelligently. By some simple system of 'blinds' he can easily make seeming nonsense of them for the casual reader in case of accidents to myself.


Ordinary letters (if large even) give me no trouble, but large packages and registered letters give me some bother, so I'd like to be warned of these in advance, or just send them as follows, 'c/o /iss Forgie, 62 Newbattle Terrace, Edinburgh'. They might be sent to my business address, but unless very carefully marked Personal are liable to be opened. Thin paper pulls of your squares will do, and can come here as an ordinary letter.


With all good wishes,


Yours fraternally.




(I think I'm getting on satisfactorily if slowly as it is, without the whole hog—Increasing appearance of illumination in the brain, but decidedly no 'vision' yet.)


