Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley
14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.
[Undated: circa 1913?]
Care Frater.
As your approval is quite sufficient and as you say that there is no fear of dispersion of mind, I have signed and now return the paper sent.
I am not sure it isn't just a pleasantry on your part, but really I'd not mind doing that little job for you, were it possible. But firstly it seems the thing to set a flag flying on some part or other of my obstinate and belligerent Castle—even if this be the selfish course. Secondly, in the last day or so the hope of my projected fortnight's whole hog has vanished for at least another week, and instead I may just have to continue as at present. I do seem to be advancing, but my year will soon be over and no tangible result yet, though the inward or latent results must I feel be considerable. I get the feeling I have set up processes which are going on all the time whether I'm consciously working or not—a little taste of real success would be a help and get over the obsessing feeling that I'm a duffer and would remove one distraction in concentration.
My copy of the 'Actions' has three plates and signs that an engraved title page I believe should be there is missing—It seems otherwise a perfect copy and in remarkable preservation. No desperate magician appears to have handled it. I mention my possession of it that you may know where an extra copy lies at the general service if required.
By the way what a glorious subject for a Temple fresco (or the refectory one day of Thelema) would be the vision of the four sumptuous and belligerent Castles with trumpeters Kings Princes Seniors etc: treated in the style of mediaeval M.S.S. It would want a first class man though, (which he isn't me).
It would be a pleasure to handle the original M.S. of Dee, if I could manage that fortnight. By the way the Book of Enoch so often mentions one of his own M.S.? I can hardly suppose it to be the sort of Gospel of that name. I need not bother you with my notes yet, as we are just plodding on in the same old way, perhaps with increasing sign of results—I am content now to summarise every few days work, it is so much the same.
Will you please read the note to Mr Kennedy and hand it to him with the form. Wegg is remaining dead, i.e. the horrors have not come back, only I seem "dry".
Yours fraternally.