Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley
14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.
[Undated: circa 1913?]
Care Frater.
Very glad to hear from you—You have let me down rather gently as of course I feel stupid to have got no tangible result from all this work and effort.
So, Mother [Leila Waddell] is coming at last. Will you be sure to impress on her to let me know how when and where I can see her? As luck will have it my housekeeper is absent on holiday and does not come back till this day week (tues) or the Monday previous, at earliest. If Mother would come to me for the few days after that, I should be very glad, if she feels she would prefer it to being in diggings or a hotel.
There will be plenty of time after No. X [of the Equinox] is out to go into the matter about which I thought of asking advice—There seems little immediate chance of my gaining any result from practical magic. Meditation (which is not going badly) seems my only hope. THEREFORE I am wondering as to the advisability of attempting the Operation next year (on the lines laid down in the Vision of the 8th Ae[thyr]).
It seems that this is well within my scope and that by making the final period coincide with a holiday, I might do the preliminary weeks whilst still going about my business in the world. It always seemed to me as if this operation must wait till I had the chance to retire from the world for at least a considerable period, but that does not seem at all near at hand, and why put off the thing if it can be done now?
The three hours a day are little more than I am already doing and I think I could manage to keep it up unbrokenly (this is not the case now). The real difficulty would be the midnight meditation, as I have found it decidedly does not pay to cut down my allowance of sleep. I infer that even a Probationer may attempt this operation. You will tell me if I am right or not in thinking of it at present.
I also want to consult you about the way I am using the 'Bornless One' invocation whilst on my walks, but this can wait—I have much time, very busy as it happens and must finish this letter now.
With all good wishes.
Yours fraternally.
F[iat] P[ax].