Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to [?]
14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.
[Undated: circa 1913?]
Dear Sir.
I am glad there is a way out of the difficulty. I am writing to ask Frater P[erdurabo]'s assent, and I think it would go hard with me if I did not at least learn something. I think in order to avoid dispersion of mind at the present time, I shall wait till November before taking up the additional study.
Whilst I have long been a student (of sorts) of Mysticism, Magic is practically a new subject to me, and it is only by degrees I am beginning to comprehend what I am aiming at, so far I have got no actual outward results, and seem to have everything still to learn. A difficulty besides is that my time is limited as I am engaged in ordinary business, and the time has not yet come that I can leave it to devote myself wholly to the Great Work. I am always eager to add to my knowledge of the way to open myself to direct knowledge, and am glad you wrote me.
Yours sincerely.