Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to W.F. Nott




[Undated: circa March 1913]



Dear Sir,


Frater P[erdurabo] is in receipt of your letter of the 25th instant. Questions of business are attended to by Wieland and Co, who will write you on the subject.


There is a description of the Great White Brotherhood in Vol 1 of the Equinox. With regard to your query on page 94 "after 3 months means any time convenient when that period has elapsed. When you think you are ready to be examines, you apply. No expense is entailed on probation, except the cost of the necessary book mentioned, £1-1-0. The AA do not make money in any shape or form. All their books are sold at a cost which represents out of pocket expenses for printing, and those who serve them give their work without reward of any kind. With regard to personal instruction, I am always willing to see pupils by appointment and explain anything which may remain obscure. It is, however, desirable that pupils should study these books as in the course of teaching I have to refer to many statements in these books, and a study of them on your part saves my time.


Yours fraternally.


