Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Professor Emil Schaub
[Undated: circa March 1913]
Most Worshipful and Most Puissant and Very Dear Brother,
I am sorry that the advent of Easter has prevented me replying earlier to your valued letter. I am sending you an appointment as our Gen. Representative and Correspondent, but I cannot arrange the matter of the Notion 1 Government for the moment. I shall be obliged to divide Switzerland into three Governments, or at least two according to the language prevalent.
It is, of course, quite impossible for anyone to work the Rites of Memphis and Mizraim. The object of the O.T.O. has been to consolidate the whole of their knowledge as well as that of the Ancient and Accepted Rite and of the Illuminati and many other Bodies of Initiates into a simple and comprehensive system. In our Rite, we have no multiplication of Officers and no speeches too long for the ordinary busy man to get by heart in his spare time.
I shall be prepared to go thoroughly into this matter with you at a convenient occasion, If you are in London at any time, I should very much like to see you and to show you the arrangement of Chapters and Lodges by which we are enabled to work all these Degrees, not only in decorum but in splendour without that great expenditure of space which prevents practical working in so many cases. Please let me know your views at your earliest convenience.
Saluting you B T N K.