Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to R.H.S. Truell




19 March [1913]



Dear Truell,


I am awfully sorry not to have answered your letter before, but the whole place has been bust up because of Easter. I haven't got the document with your name on as far as I know. It disappeared a long while ago, but the receipt enclosed should be sufficient.


I am sorry you didn't take Book 4 [Part I] seriously. I would very much like you to take an active interest in it. You might give prizes to your boys for proficiency in the practices recommended, and see if anything comes of it. If you could arrange for this to be done, I would myself present the books for prizes. Let me know if you would like me to do this. If you agree, I would come down especially and have a talk to you about it.


Yours ever.


