Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to George Winslow Plummer




High Council,

Societas Rosicruciana America.



23 March 1913



Dear Sir and Illustrious Brother,


I am very much obliged by your letter of 15th March, just to hand. I thank you very much for the [illegible]. I am hoping to write to Mr. V. on that subject in a short time.


With regard to the New Supreme Council I should explain that the real secret to which all Masonry only forms a veil is in the keeping of the O.T.O. to which our Supreme Council is subject, and as we are preliminary [?] we are supposed to be in friendly communication with most Worthy [?] and Illus[trious / Illuminated ?] J McD Thomson, with whom I have corresponded, and whose views enshrine a spirit of tolerance which is wholly admirable.


I have not the pleasure, however, of knowing him personally, and I do not know his exact position in reference to the higher Degrees which I represent. I suppose you will not be in England this summer. There is some talk of me coming to N.Y. in the Fall, but it is quite in the air. I should be glad if you would let me know (of course, in strict confidence) your attitude with regard to Brother Mc D Thomson. I do not know the extent of his following, especially in New York. His address is . . . . It might be worth your while to have a conversation with his representative in N.Y. with a view to cementing the bonds of fraternity between our various bodies.


Yours fraternally.


