Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to W. Child
Psychic Gazette. Manager.
[Undated: circa April 1913]
Dear Sir,
We enclose your cheque value £1-10-0 for an advertisement in the March issue of the Psychic Gazette, which we gave you in the mistaken idea that a promise was a promise, and would be fulfilled. In your letter of 27 Feb we quote your exact written words "Will you kindly send us along a copy [of the Equinox] and I will promise you a good notice in our next March issue, and will then write you further in regard to your suggestion re exchange advertisement in the Equinox".
In view of this promise we decided to give you an order for advertising in the March issue. An advertisement is valueless unless the Editorial Department says something in regard to its advertisers. Unless this promise is fulfilled we shall in future fight shy of the Psychic Gazette, which makes promises which it has no intention to fulfill.