Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Styles & Son




Messrs Styles & Son.

2 Market Str,

Jermyn Str. S.W.



[Undated: circa April 1913]



No arrangement was made with you with regard to wholesaling the goods as they were made by you. We expected, and I gather that Mr. Wieland [Eugene John Wieland] personally understood from you that you would have no objection to holding them to our order. These goods are, in any case, very few, and take up very little room. So that we think the price would be too much, even if we could agree to pay anything. We shall, of course, be pleased to send you a cheque for your delivery charges, and to favour you with the continuance of our esteemed order in the course of the next month or two, when we shall be requiring some decorations.


Yours faithfully.


