Correspondence from Unknown Correspondent to R. Greiff
[Undated: circa April 1913]
Dear Mr. Greiff,
If any copies of Equinox No. IX are needed in America, no copies will be sent except on receipt of cash 5/3 and 1/- postage, in all 6/3—about 1 dollar 60. If paying Custom Duties you may charge what you consider pays you for your trouble in the matter. Any orders for back numbers of Equinox will be supplied at 50% off published price to you.
Mrs. Cremers [Vittoria Cremers] wishes to say that she has received your letters safely, bit she is too busy to answer. Just as soon as the present (pressing) financial troubles are over, you will hear from her. The business [Wieland & Co.] is practically in the hands of a Receiver. In sending money you had better go to the Post Office and ask them to determine what 6/3 is in United States money. "A.C." has gone into a prolonged magical retirement. He is not in England and we have no idea when he will return.