Correspondence from Wieland & Co. to John Quinn




31 Nassau Street,

New York City.



[Undated: circa April 1913]



To John Quinn,


In reference to, our letter of Feb 12, 1913, to which we have not had an answer: we cannot keep this parcel and must ask you to let us know your decision at once, as this offer can never be repeated. It has meant the labour of months to get together so complete a set of books. We are now able to supply the New Year's Card, which we have obtained with the utmost difficulty, as it was sent out more than 10 years ago to persons whose names and addresses are now lost. Similar remarks apply to many of the smaller items. They are particularly difficult to obtain through being issued in pamphlet form, and distributed among careless people, so that it is improbable that many copies will ever come on to the market, at no matter what price.


Yours faithfully


Wieland & Co.


