Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
33 Avenue Studios. S.W.
April 25th. 1913.
Care Frater,
The Chancellor of the A∴A∴ is in receipt of yours of March 28th.
He quite understands the position. He has no wish to say anything derogatory of Frater P.A. [J.F.C. Fuller]
The position is this. Certain probationers who were in close personal touch with Frater Perdurabo were authorized to receive probationers in his name, which (not Per Ardua) is signed by him on your Probationers form—at least, on the form in the Treasury. This should show that Frater P.A. was only a deputy.
Frater P.A. had no experience whatever of any of the practices. He had only book knowledge, and that he picked up from Frater P.
This is quite useless in a teacher. Such a teacher is a blind man trying to lead one who can see, though imperfectly. Your year's work as a Probationer is of more value than a life-time of book study.
In the A∴A∴ course you as a Neophyte are supposed to master the Astral Plane. Frater P.A. has never had any vision whatever. Urged to work by his Neophyte—for this very reason, that although it might be unnecessary for his own development, yet he must do it if he were to help others—he avoided doing so.
With us you are in charge of a Zelator who, on whatever lines you may choose to work, has already done that work, and who can consequently understand in detail every difficulty that may arise, and put you right accordingly. You cannot ask any question of which he cannot give the answer from his own experience.
And what we expect of you is that you fit yourself to fill an equivalent position.
The A∴A∴ is based throughout on the service of the superior to the inferior. Such service is the sole key to Advancement. Any other system may give you great apparent success, but such success will be illusory and temporary.
Vale Frater,
S.V.A.T. for the Chancellor of the A∴A∴