Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Dr. Graham








[Undated: circa May 1913]



My dear Sir,


I never try to lead anyone away from anywhere. All I want you to do is to gain your own personal experience. I do not want you to rely on mine. I am only a housemaid and the rule is "no followers allowed". The only thing about which I am anxious to warn you is any attempt to tie down personal experience to some very conservative intellectual notion. If you make up your mind to do that, you will start a war in your own cosmos which may cause endless bitterness. Your record seems to me still very good. There is no reason for humility any more than there was for pride. All these are unbalanced forces pertaining to the ego, which is your great enemy, as it is mine. I will thus hope to hear from you again in 3 weeks.


Yours fraternally.


