Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Battiscombe Gunn
[Undated: circa May 1913]
Dear Gunn,
I should have written before but for the uncertain issue of the contemptible intrigues of my swindling friends. Her name was Miller and is Mrs. Cohn. Her address is 14 Sussex Place, Regent's Park and she has a flat in the Champs Élysées or a house. I am not sure which. She is undoubtedly responsible to La Prade, Echaverria, King, Berne, O'Connor, and of these persons should bring action against her in France, she will have to pay up. As I have two independent witnesses to the fact that she commissioned me to buy pictures for her and an acknowledgement in writing which implies that she did so. You might see these people and ask them if they would like to take any steps. They can be sure of the heartiest support from me and my friends. Banks [?] walked into the Café Royal the other night and was rather offensive, though I was glad she thwarted [?] Hener Skene. She thinks the [?] clique [?] the only artists past, present and future. I am aware that I am using the word 'thinks' most uncordially.
Mary d'Este-Sturges descended upon us Sunday. She kicked the terrible Turk out of doors and has started a scent shop 4 Rue de la paix. I have been rather ill with influenza and things, but am all right now. There is a kind of vague possibility of my getting over to Paris in the course of the next 10 or 12 days. Banks, by the way, brought strange tales of you. Let me have a line from you. I suppose we have to thank you for the notice of Book 4 in the "Mail". You will get a copy of Part II next week.
Yours ever,