Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to George Winslow Plummer




Grantwood [New Jersey]



[Undated: circa May 1913]



The Most Worthy Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in America.


Most Illustrious Knight and Very Dear Brother.


You will forgive the delay which has arisen in replying to your letters, as I have been away in the country. Please accept my thanks for the honour you have done me, and the diploma duly received. The death of the Most Illustrious Brother John Yarker 33°, 90°, 97°, leaves me the sole Custodian of the authority to work the Memphis and Misraim Rites in Great Britain and Ireland; but as I think I told you in a previous letter, I am proposing to concentrate the whole teaching of all those Rites in the 10 Degrees of the O.T.O. and M.M.M. I am not certain whether you have seen the Preliminary Pamphlet which we have issued and which I now beg to enclose for your kind acceptance.


I am most illustrious Knight and very dear Brother.


Yours fraternally.


