Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Arthur Richmond




[Undated: circa May 1913]



Care Frater,


In reply to your letter of the 28 ult the Chancellor of AA desires me to say that you are mistaken in supposing that your Neophyte severed his connection with the AA He is however undergoing the ordeal of a Neophyte and his remarks to you are according to the state of mind in one in that condition. It is quite evident for you not to take the oath superficially. You must remember that that oath only pledges you to prosecute the Great Work. Every subsequent act of yours must be interpreted as part of the fulfilment of that Oath. Medium [minimum?] success is no part of the programme. The AA do not confine their outlook even to a single life. It is of no importance that you should be following our instructions. All you are expected to do is to keep a record which will aid you in the future to interpret your experiences and enable us to give you detailed help should you apply for it. It would be certainly very desirable for you to call at headquarters, for a short conversation would make matters very clear.


Yours fraternally.


