Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to George MacNie Cowie
May 27, 1913.
Care Frater,
I have just got back, and read the "Transcendental Universe". It is rather interesting, but I think of no great value. This alleged contest between the intellect and spirit makes me tired. It shows a totally wrong conception of the nature of the cosmos. It is just as bad as the alleged antagonism between mind and body.
With regard to the other matter: if things go on as they are going now, everything should be satisfactory by the end of the year. I don't know whether this will seem to you too late. There is, however, another proposal, and, in fact, an agreement is being signed of the utmost satisfactory nature, but has not yet been carried out. A great deal of opposition has arisen, and it may conceivably break down altogether. I will be able to let you know definitely, I hope, in a few days.
Fearfully hot, fearfully busy, so no more.
Yours fraternally,
G. M. Cowie, Esq., 14, Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.