Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Mr. De Jong




De Jong.




[Undated: circa June 1913]



Dear Sir,


You are quite right in saying that there is only one such order. In the nature of things there could not be two. Nor have I any doubt that the Theosophical Society was founded by members of this Order. But it is impossible that these Masters should have so far departed from every Rule as to advertise in person [Leadbeater ? / Krishnamurti ?] as the coming Christ. In the exceptional circumstances such a claim is worse than ridiculous. I will ask you to remember that H P B [Helena Petrovna Blavatsky] gave no authority to Annie Besant to carry on her work, and Annie Besant may be regarded as an usurper. The present movement of the Star in the East is certainly calculated to bring the whole Society into contempt. This is so obvious that to some minds deliberate treachery appears the only explanation. Some of the immediate followers and friends of H P B are at present working with him [me?] at the Headquarters of the O.T.O. and this is their considered opinion.


However this has really nothing to do with your question. Though the White Brotherhood is one, its members may and do see fit to work in very different manners. It would be absurd to limit their activities to purely religious movements. Why should they not inspire discoveries in science and achievements in all forms of art? For all these tend to the uplifting of humanity.


Yours faithfully.


