Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to E. P. Denny
E. P. Denny. 55 Boulevard Suchet, Paris.
27 June [1913]
Dear Sir and Brother,
When I joined Lodge no. 343 I did so on the understanding that the Lodge was in fraternal communication with the Lodge of England and not until last year did anything occur to arouse doubts on the subject. I now understand that the G[rand] L[odge] of England has never recognised our lodge, and I further learn to my extreme surprise and horror that the Grand Loge de France has decided to recognise so-called Co-Masonry, which is merely a mask for the blasphemous cult of "Alcyone" [Krishnamurti]. It is of course impossible for me to have any further connection with a Lodge which makes itself an accomplice in this filthy fraud, and I cannot believe that either yourself of any other of my brothers of Lodge 343 can have had any notion of come any other decision. I write to ask you what is the intention of the Lodge? Surely it would be possible for a unanimous petition [?] of the Brothers of the Lodge to be sent to the G.L. of England for incorporation. The only difficulty was apparently the Cerneau Rite, but I take it that the Grand Loge de France had at one time at least some sort of claim to recognition by England. Recent developments have forfeited any such claim, and no question of usurpation could possibly be raised.
I hope that you will let me know without delay what, if anything, is being done in the matter. I shall be over in Paris next Sunday for at least a week and hope to have the pleasure of an interview with you, but as I am in communication with Sir E.L. [Edward Letchworth] on the same subject, I should like to have your reply before I leave London.
Yours faithfully and fraternally.