The Minutes of the Special Convocation of the

S[overeign] S[anctuary] of the A[ncient] A[ccepted] Rite

Held at 33 Avenue Studios, 76 Fulham Road

On Monday June 30th, 1913 at 3 o'clock of the afternoon.




Present Brothers Reuss [Theodor Reuss], Quilliam [William Henry Quilliam], Myer, Crowley.


The Brothers present having proved their right to sit, speak and voted, Brother Quilliam called the Convocation to Order, called upon Brother Crowley to read the summons, a copy of which is here appended. This was duly done. Brother Reuss proposed and Brother Crowley seconded that Brother Myer take the chair. Brother Myer having done so called upon Brother Crowley to read his report of the proceedings at Manchester. Brother Crowley did so, and a copy of the same is here appended. Brother Crowley remarked that no written protest against the present Convocation had been received from any P[rince] Pat[riarch].


Brother Quilliam moved that a letter of condolence should be sent to the widow of the late S.G.M.G., [Sovereign Grand Master General] [John Yarker] which was agreed to.


It was approved and adopted and moved to be recorded in the minutes of the Convocation.


The Election of the S.G.M.G. was then duly held as recorded above. The most Illustrious Sov. G.M.G. then opened the Convocation as a Supreme Council of Sov. Grand Inspectors General of the 33 and last degree of the A.A. Scottish Rite, and he was duly elected Most Puissant Sov. Grand Commander. He then opened the meeting as an Absolute Grand Sov. of the 90th and last degree of the Oriental Rite of Misraim, and was duly elected as its Patriarch.


The Sov. G.M. General returned thanks in an eloquent speech for his election, and conferred the degree of P[rince] Patriarch Grand Conservator [?] of the Rite on Brothers Robert Ahmed Quilliam 32°, 94°, and Leon Engers Kennedy 30°, 90°. He further made the following appointments: Bro Crowley Patriarch Grand Administrator General.


Bro Quilliam Pat[riarch] Grand Keeper General of the Golden Book.


[the remainder of these minutes are missing]


