Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Robert Ahmed Quilliam
3 July [1913]
Very Illustrious and Very Dear Brother,
I must apologise to you for the confusion that took place on Saturday, but it was not my fault, except that I was careless with regard to the source of the telegram which I received, and which I thought had come from your father [William Henry Quilliam] at Liverpool. This telegram made me think that you would be arriving from Liverpool at 2.15 and consequently went to meet the train. Hundreds of people with buttonholes got out of that train, I suppose some holiday party, and made the search for you nugatory. I went back to the Midland and learned to my amazement that you couldn't wait any longer, but would be back at 3, and you had not said where you were. Of course I went back to the office at 3 and you never turned up till I had to go to the meeting. From this telegram I further concluded that you would certainly not be in Manchester at 1 o'clock, and so I left no instructions with regard to my whereabouts, but in point of fact I lunched in the grill room of the hotel, and the failure of the hotel people to find me reflects the greatest discredit upon their management. They further, of course, ought to have told me that you had left word where you were to be found. I am very much amazed at their stupidity, though as things turned out it did not matter as it only took me 10 minutes to break up the meeting. You will see that the new Sov[ereign] Grand Master Gen[eral] made me 33°, 95°, and I am very glad to be able to congratulate you on your reaching that degree.
I hope you will come and see me next time you are in London.
Saluting you B T N K T T E O.