Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Unknown Correspondent [Probably R. Greiff]
4 September 1913
Care Frater,
I am very sorry to have been away when you came to England, as I very much wanted to see you about various things. In particular the question of those stereos [of Book 4 Part I & Part II]. They were sent over to America at the request of Mrs. Cremers [Vittoria Cremers] before she left America, and I understood from her that you would undertake her work while she was away, ever helpingly. I need hardly say that we had no wish to involve you in any expense and would gladly have refunded you any sums which you might have dispensed on our account. We are always glad if Brothers will make sacrifices to help us but we do not expect and do not ask it. At present I am faced with the alternative of having these valuable plates destroyed and I hope that you will take delivery at once and save them. As soon as I can come over to America I will see about having the book published, though I should certainly be very much obliged if you would try and get a publisher to issue it. I think he would be likely to do so, as he would only be put to the cost of printing from the plates, and as I would be quite prepared to forego any royalties until he himself recouped his expenses. I am sorry you did not write to me and tell me how you were getting on, as I am very interested in your progress. Please let me know your views as soon as possible.
Yours fraternally.