Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Edmund Gosse
6 September 1913
Mr. Austin Harrison suggested that I should write to you and ask you to read a story I have written. I find editors reluctant to [publish] psychology. Your authority would put this straight. My father died when I was quite young, so that I never had your experience. [illegible] entirely unenlightened by any sort of ability, in one sense more tragic, and another less so.
Yours very sincerely.
P.S. I have seen Harrison twice and talked to him about Valis. He says that he can only publish 24 stories in a year, and as far as I can make out he is a little shy about an author's pseudonym, and I fancy rather wants you living in Russia. He says his paper is called the English Review and if he is going to print a 'lot of Russian stuff' he ought to call it the Russian Review. I know this is incredible, but it is what he said to me. I don't think it would do any harm for you to use another pseudonym in this particular instance.