Correspondence from Herbert Inman to Frank Bennett
Caixa Postal 563 Rio de Janeiro Brazil—Sth. America
Oct. 4th, 1913
Dear Bro: Bennett.
For a long while I had lost the run of your letter of March 25th of last year but last night in looking for some other T[heosophical] S[ociety] papers, I found it, so I am now writing you to the same address as you gave in your letter, trusting that if you have left the "Land of the Kangaroos" that it will be forwarded on to you. You will perhaps be surprised to see by the above address where I have gone to, after writing you last I went to Egypt for 9 months, visiting again the scenes of several past lives but how altered everything was, the grandeur which in those days we no doubt thought would last for ever, now nothing but ruins, half covered with sand and palm trees, still it was intensely interesting—I then, in December last, received an offer to come here which I accepted as it seemed the right thing to do and am now fairly settled in the life here.
We have a T. S. Lodge about 3 years old, a few members also belong to the O.S.E.[1] but there are no masons among our members, so of course by myself I cannot start a Co-Masonic Lodge, much as I should like to, but if we try hard enough perhaps some help will come to us from elsewhere.
I was very glad to hear that so many Lodges had been started and were going strong since you went out to Australia, and I hope you will soon be able to form a Temple of the R.C. as the Ritual of that is so inspiring that one can but wish that all Co-Masons could become initiated and participate in it.
One great difficulty we have to contend with here is that there is scarcely and T.S. Literature printed in Portuguese and the cost of printing as of everything else is so very costly that we can afford to do very little, personally I cannot speak the language so cannot very well follow what is being said in the Lodge, but that will be alright in time.
Have you been able to do any Magical Work in Australia, you mentioned in your letter that you hoped to be able to soon, I have no chance whatever here at present but no doubt the time will come.
Trusting that all is going well with you and yours and with all cordial and hearty greetings and hoping some day to have the pleasure of seeing you again.
Yours very sincerely and fraternally,
H. E. Inman
1—The O.S.E. (Order of the Star in the East) was a group founded by the heads of the Theosophical Society in 1911 with the express purpose of paving the way for the arrival of the "World Teacher" or Maitreya who they believed would manifest in a young indian boy, Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1896).