Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley




14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.



[Undated: circa 1914?]



     Care Frater.


     I was very glad to get your letter this a.m. I think you will feel very well satisfied that it is better than selling Boleskine. I was greatly puzzled at your not giving me ML's [Murray Leslie] address in London, and being at a loss wired to Boleskine! It happened that as usual the post was very late so that I opened your letter on the street and overlooked the enclosure (his letter) and did not catch it up till I examined the envelope just now 5 p.m. I will wire him in London, now, to say the telegram was accidentally misdirected. He'll get the letter, however, all right, same time as get this. Glad you are able to be up in May. Many happy returns of the 22 Oct.


     F[iat] P[ax]


