Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley




14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.



[Undated: circa 1914?]



Care Frater


I hoped for a line or two or a wire to say what to do re sending 'Appeal' [Appeal to the American Republic] to Scotsman etc. I have no warrant to offer it minus payment tho' I can take it that is the intention. I have not seen the 'Times' since Tuesday and do not know if you have got it in. The movement seems to be gathering weight every day. i.e. to bring America to coming in, it is her interest in every way. Have you had any success so far? If you wire to that effect when you get this I will send copy to Scotsman at once.


I am going to try the Bank with those securities, but only if I can finally get rid of them, not borrow on them. Do you think it is urgent enough to get rid of them now, at a considerable sacrifice rather than wait and see them become waste paper? If this is the downfall of our present social system and of civilisation (which is nothing to weep for) the question is whether the process is likely to be sudden and complete, or gradual and long protracted. Some guidance would be useful (and will not be communicated to others).


Here is a stray 10/- which I enclose to buy halfpenny stamps. You are a bad man to use penny stamps to post newspapers with.


F[iat] P[ax]


