Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Scotsman Newspaper
14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.
[Undated: circa 1914?]
Dear Sir
I am empowered by the author of the enclosed to offer it to you for re-publication in the columns of the Scotsman—should you so desire. The importance of inducing the United States to throw in their weight into the scale and that quickly at the present crises can hardly be over-estimated. I am authorised to state in confidence, that to the author's knowledge, the publication would be pleasing to the Government. If you should like to confirm this by direct reference, the author is Mr Aleister Crowley, 33 Avenue Studios, 76 Fulham Road, London S.W. He would accept any payment you think fair; and I am sure he would not object to your cutting out stanzas if you think fit. Should you not desire the poem, will you please return it to me personally.
With compliments yours truly.
George M Cowie