Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Lily Henry




[Undated: circa 1914?]



Dear Sister Henry,


Thank you very much for the letter that you wrote the other day. I am bound to point out to you that it should be recorded as your first duty to attend all summons to the Lodge and that nothing whatsoever should be allowed to interfere with them except illness. I know that very many people fail to understand this. But if you are to obtain the full benefit from the Lodge [?] you should make it your ideal.


We have not heard from Mr. Donovan. You should let him know that he must come forward for initiation promptly. The M.M.M. is a serious body and must be treated with the greatest respect. I have been rebuked most severely by the Frater Superior of the Order for laxness in dealing with these matters. The whole organisation has got to be run on lines of the most rigid punctuality. You will see the importance of this when you advance further in the Order. As soon as Mr. Donovan has been initiated we shall be ready to give you the . I should like you to arrange that Mr. Donovan take his degree this week or next at the very latest, so that I may arrange for a chapter of the V°.


Yours fraternally.


